BadMints, Pools, and Yield

2 min readMar 8, 2021

In this article, we’ll talk about how you can generate yield with BadMints. In our first article, we covered the Base Yield algorithm and how simply holding BadMints in your wallet will generate you yield in the form of xBads. In this article, we’ll explain how you can level up your BadMints yield with MintPools.

What is a MintPool?

While building the BadMints platform, we wanted to make sure users could choose how they earn their yield. With BadMints Base Yield, all you have to do is hold your NFT in your Ethereum wallet and yield will accrue which remains attached to the associated NFT until claimed. This yield can move between users if the yield-backed token is sold, traded, or transferred in any way. This layer-1 yield allows traders, farmers, and those who like to flip NFTs to take advantage of accrued yield on the fly without requiring depositing into a pool; whether it be flipping NFTs for unclaimed yield or adjusting secondary prices in order to reflect the unclaimed yield attached to the NFT.

But what about users that want to hold long-term? What about the early adopters? That’s where MintPools come in.

Each BadMints type (Common, Rare, Exotic, Epic, and Legendary), have their own MintPool which generates a set amount of yield over a given period and distributes to the pool participates based on how many tokens exist in the pool. This provides huge incentive for early adopters to take advantage of these pools and earn massive yield with minimal gas fees. There are no minimum lock-up periods for MintPools so users can withdrawal their NFT token(s) at any time.

If you have any questions about BaseYield or MintPools, follow us on Twitter or start a discussion on Telegram!




Where NFTs Meet DeFi. BadMints earn you passive yield by simply holding them in your wallet.